Geertje Foth

Studio for conservation and restoration

Tear Mending

There are many  techniques and methods for the treatment of torn or very physically damaged painting canvases. 
Tears are locally mended, thread-by-thread or some other joining technique. 

Instead of re-lining (reinforcing an original canvas by adhering a new canvas to the reverse of the painting), we are adding strips around damaged tacking edge of a canvas (Strip lining).   


All materials are conservation grade and remain reversible over time


For further information see: Services/Tears and Holes

Information / Consulting

We will gladly give you further information and advice.

fon: +49 (0)40-898938

cell: +49 (0)172 4020764

Geertje Foth gepr. Restauratorin VDR

Beerenweg 6-8 22761 Hamburg fon: +49 (0)40-898938