Geertje Foth

Studio for conservation and restoration

Care of Collections

Regular care and maintenance of artworks can prevent possible conservation/restoration measures. 

Caring for private and public collections over many years, has won me contracts in the Netherlands, England, Switzerland.


Collections Care: 
Services including documentation, condition assessments, determination of conservation priorities, and on-site preventative treatment. 

Consultation on proper environment, lighting, framing, and displayCo-ordination with allied professionals such as curators, registrars and other conservators.

Information / Consulting

We will gladly give you further information and advice.

fon: +49 (0)40-898938

cell: +49 (0)172 4020764

Geertje Foth gepr. Restauratorin VDR

Beerenweg 6-8 22761 Hamburg fon: +49 (0)40-898938