Geertje Foth

Studio for conservation and restoration

Advising Artists

 For more than fifty years contemporary artists have experimented with "new" materials. Possible damage and deterioration through interaction of materials and ageing, can only be avoided by prior consultation with experts. 

We have expertise in this area after long years of giving advice on modern and historical painting materials and techniques to contemporary artists in Hamburg and Berlin.

Where we are not able to answer queries ourselves we are happy to recommend someone else who can help.

So please get in touch with us if you need any help.

Information / Consulting

We will gladly give you further information and advice.

fon: +49 (0)40-898938

cell: +49 (0)172 4020764

Geertje Foth gepr. Restauratorin VDR

Beerenweg 6-8 22761 Hamburg fon: +49 (0)40-898938