Geertje Foth

Studio for conservation and restoration

Preventive Conservation

Preventive conservation involves any actions taken to prevent or slow down the deterioration of paintings and any other pieces of art.

It entails storing, displaying, handling and maintaining a  collection in ways that promote long-term stability.

Activities include monitoring temperature, humidity and light in display and storage areas, developing methods for secure display and storage, and ensuring the safety of works of art during transport.

Different types of objects need different forms of care. Many objects may respond differently to a variety of environmental factors. 

Major factors affecting deterioration are:

  • Light
  • Temperature 
  • Humidity
  • Pollutants
  • Pests
  • Handling
  • Packing and transport

My lectures and training sessions,  "Art in Transit" and "Caring for your Collection" (for collectors, auction houses and art handling companies) are based on our long-term experience in this field.


For further details, see: Protecting the reverse side


Information / Consulting

We will gladly give you further information and advice.

fon: +49 (0)40-898938

cell: +49 (0)172 4020764

Geertje Foth gepr. Restauratorin VDR

Beerenweg 6-8 22761 Hamburg fon: +49 (0)40-898938